To the mom who loves her kids but longs for some time away from them.
To the mom who's exhausted and hasn't slept well in weeks.
To the mom who sometimes yells at her kids and then feels guilty for hours.
To the mom who has forgotten what it's like to dress up and feel like a woman.
To the mom who looks enviously at other moms seemingly managing better than her.
To the mom who wants to remember what it was like to just be a wife.
To the mom who wonders what she's doing with her life.
To the mom who snaps at her husband because he just doesn't get it.
To the mom who waits for the kids to sleep before indulging in a drink.
To the mom who desperately wants a break from daily routine.
To the mom who longs for a weekend of traveling solo.
To the mom who wants to return to work, to continue a career she worked so hard to build.
You are NOT a Failure.
You are a human being, responsible for little beings.
You are a person with wants and needs, just like everyone else.
You are allowed to break down sometimes, without being labeled unstable.
You are allowed to scream and shout and rave and rant, without being called ungrateful.
You are allowed to want a break from your kids, your husband, your routine, without being called irresponsible.
You are allowed to meet your friends, travel, go for a movie, without feeling guilty.
You are allowed to have a career, without being branded selfish.
You are, my dear fellow mom, allowed to be human.
No one else walks in your shoes and lives your life. And no one else is allowed to judge you.
So take a deep breath and pat yourself on the back. Whoever you are, you are wonderful.
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