I approached my first night at the hospital after delivery
with trepidation. I had heard so many stories about babies crying all night that
I was petrified of what awaited me. Instead I had a virtually full night’s rest
with the baby sleeping through almost the entire time. Surprise! Surprise! The
same was true of the next and the next night. In fact my little angel lent
credence to the phrase “sleeping like a baby” And then started the Week Three.
For those parents who have gone through it, the word Colic
strikes terror in our hearts. That five letter word sums up a world of non stop
crying, sleepless nights and undiluted helplessness at not being able to do
anything. After seeing my baby transform into a shrieking being night after
night I finally read up about this ailment. I was not happy to note that it
seems to have a particular penchant for the number 3- it starts at 3 weeks,
goes on till 3 months, its characterised by the baby crying for more than 3
hours a day, 3 days a week!! I suppose we should be thankful Colic didn't take
to a higher number.
There were times when I would just look at my baby, her face
all red and scrunched up, bawling with all her might and wonder “Who is this
creature? Whatever happened to that sweet sleepy bundle I brought home from the
hospital?” Well apparently Colic happened. Or as my mom says it’s just the law
of Karma coming back to haunt me (I kept her awake so now it’s my turn)
There is nothing worse than watching your baby in distress without
being able to help. Nothing seemed to ease her discomfort- from modern
medicinal drops to age old remedies. Like clockwork she would start at 6pm and
sometimes go on till 3am. I spent nights shuttling between home and my mom’s
trying to give my husband and mom alternate nights of rest. My sleep would be
the two hours shut eye in the mornings when she slept after her massage/bath.
It came to a stage where I started dreading evenings the way a prisoner dreads
the gallows. I saw my life as an endless series of nights filled with crying
(sometimes I just joined her in wailing). So much so that the first time she
slept at 11pm at 7 weeks of age, I was convinced she was sick! It turned out
that one of the medicines finally seemed to have settled her tummy to a large
But yes, I still view evenings with apprehension. Since the 3
month mark has not passed I am tensed and awaiting the Return of the Colic
Attack (film title anyone?) Am I better prepared this time? Not really. Except
that I now know that my baby is capable of sleeping perfectly. Hopefully I have
exhausted the bad karma I accumulated by keeping mom awake.
Note: The two medicines which work wonders are Colicaid and Colimex. The former is milder so if your baby doesn't stop crying with it you might need to try the latter which most definitely settles the baby. Once you feel that colic is waning, shift the baby back to Colicaid before stopping the medication completely.
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